Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stop Jumping Ship, It's April

Don't jump ship yet Sox fans, the first week's not over yet. Now if this were the NFL, I'd obviously start worrying. That's only because there would only be 12 games left. This is baseball, which means there is still 158 games left. Last time I checked no team has ever gone 158-4. Everybody loses 4 game throughout the season, even more than that, in fact. The Red Sox just lost their first few games earlier than everyone else.

All I hear lately from friends is, "So are you jumping ship yet? Worried yet?" My answer has been the same since Thursday night. No I'm not worried and I won't jump ship. The only way I'm going over the side of the ship is if they physically throw me over. Everyone says that no one has ever won the World Series after losing the first 4 games of the season. We'll all the greatest analysts in the world once said no team has ever come back to win a series while down three games before. Hmmm? Pretty sure we've done that, so maybe the Sox are just preparing for a great comeback or got bored of being talked about in the same sentence as the Yankees choking.

It's only a matter of time before the Red Sox starting putting W's up in the win column. If not, then they'll be come the highest paid team in history to come in last in their division. Good thing Rays are also win-less this season.

Along with Tampa Bay, the Houston Astros are also defeated this season, and you aren't hearing anything from analysts about that. Their fans still don't go to the games and the Sox have yet to have a home game. So while you feel like jumping off the bandwagon before the first week is even over, go for it. Meanwhile, the real Sox Nation will be sitting cramped and comfortable at Fenway cheering on a team we can stay loyal to.