Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Buy, Buy, Buy, Sell, Sell, Sell... CRAP!

This next week is probably one of the biggest times of the year for sports. Obviously it’s not the Superbowl or the middle of March Madness. Hell, we’re not even close to World Series. But what’s happening in the next few days can certainly affect what happens in MLB and NFL finals. Over the next week, agents, owners, coaches, general managers, and players will be racing to strike it rich with signing contracts. While the players and agents are hoping for a big pay day, owners are just looking to fill a roster with as little damage to their check books as possible. 

With the official end to the lockout, negotiations within the NFL will be flying from one team to the next. Free agents ARE going to change teams and those teams come this September are going to look extremely different than last year. There’s a lot of talk about teams over the Salary cap which means a lot of teams won’t be able to sign their big name players for either new or extended contracts. It also doesn’t help that they only have a limited time to go through the signing process before another team swoops in with a better offer.

There’s also less than a week before the trading deadline for the MLB. That means any teams trying to make a push for the playoffs are more likely to make a deal in order to fill a missing hole in the roster, whether that be an arm or a bat. As the deadline nears, many rumors are being created. There’s even talk of a baseball volcano where teams will just suddenly disperse to new teams for the next two months. MLB trade rumors has been posting updates left and right like their going bankrupt. Fortunately for them, this is their time to shine. (Side 
Note: How does someone get paid to spread rumors? I would love that job. Peyton Manning’s going to play for the Jets. He said the other day he loved visiting New York. Done Deal! Start making the jerseys now.)

The reason that this week is so phenomenal is that teams are going to look extremely different when all is said and done. While I’m one for franchise players and love when a player stays with a team his entire career, that’s simply not the case this year. Players are going to switch, teams are going to get weaker, and power houses are going to get even more powerful. 

From one fan to the next, don’t go buy your favorite player’s jersey just yet.