Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama Acting Normal

While watching the Duke/Georgetown game on CBS today, the game announcers had President Obama on for a few minutes to talk with them.

They didn't ask him about his so-far failed health care reform, or his first year in office, or even the state of the union address. Instead they talked about basketball.

They talked about how he was enjoying the game, what kind of fan he was, how well he played basketball, and basically his overall liking of the NCAA Tournament.

It was so refreshing to see the man who runs our country, sit back, throw a headset on and talk about something he's passionate about that doesn't cause him to watch what he's saying.

Too many times do we see our Presidents read from note cards and scripts that have been proof read more times then they've read them. Once in a while it's so refreshing to see them just talk to people with no script, prep work, or briefing.

I wish every President took pride in something other then the same old political sttttttttuff. For someone like me who finds politics hard to follow, this was definitely a great site for me to at least see the leader of my country is passionate about something that I love as well.

And I thought I'd never have a connection to politics.

1 comment:

  1. and it's funny-- now all the Sunday morning talk shows are all questioning whether it was a calculated move to bring the president back to his relatable roots!
