Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rearing Up For Vancouver

In 12 short days, I'll be sitting in front of a TV somewhere watching someone carry a burning torch up a ramp or walkway to light the Olympic Flame and begin opening ceremonies for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver.

I'm probably the only person south of the U.S/Canada border who's excited to watch the winter games. I'm a person who loves sports and not just like any other sports enthusiast. I love all sports, well not all sports, I guess you could say I'm a competition enthusiast. I love watching a group of people or single person fight for what they believe in.

The Olympics are all about fighting for your country except you're not fighting to kill anyone... just to be better than them.

Unfortunately I'm having doubts regarding the winter games this year. I can't seem to figure out how they are going to top the Summer Olympics in Beijing. And I don't just mean the competitiveness... I mean everything.

It starts with the opening ceremonies. Beijing spent so much time, money, and effort into making the 2008 Summer Games the greatest opening of all time. I was literally in awe after watching the opening which lasted just as long as the games them selves. There were thousands of entertainers... thousands of fire works... thousands of hairs being pulled from heads in hopes that everything went smoothly with out a hitch.

Then there's the athletes. After the summer games, you couldn't swim in a pool let alone step in a puddle of water without someone mentioning the words Michael Phelps. Phelps not only won the gold... he destroyed the competition. Everyone was cheering for him to win every event he participated in and the only race that was even close was won by him because of a quick decision to stretch rather then swim.

Then there's Nastia Liukin and the lovable Shawn Johnson taking our breath away as they participated in the gymnastics portion. Out of all the events that they participated in... the only game that neither of them one a medal in was the vault.

And who could forget Usain Bolt. Well you would forget him if you blinked. Literally, physically, mentally (and any other type of -ally you can think of) the FASTEST MAN IN THE WORLD. As a constant viewer of sports I'm constantly saying, "WOW that players fast or DAMN he burnt that guy." No longer have I been able to say that while watching sports. Only if I refer to that player as the fastest in his sport because in 2008... we all witnessed faster then fast (if there is such thing.)

Between the opening ceremonies, atmosphere, team spirit, and overall greatness and record breaking performances from the athletes... I can't possibly imagine how the Winter Olympics could top Beijing.

If they do, then I can't wait to see what they have up there sleeve. If they don't, well then... There's always London in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. All the American athletes keep getting hurt. I fear this is going to be a very boring one for USA. You're right-- how can you top the Bejing opening??
