Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pencils Down!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been addicted to one thing. The bad part is, that I’m not really good at this one thing, in fact I’m pretty bad at it. However I do get lucky sometimes depending on the situation. Before I move on, let’s all get our mind’s out of the gutters.

That one thing is trivia. I love trivia but like I said before, I’m not really that good at it, but I do love to participate in it. For years I’ve been watching game shows and playing games like Trivial Pursuit. And I’d say if I were to witness 10,000 questions, I may have gotten 500 right, which isn’t that bad but let’s face it, that’s a horrible average.

But I love it so much. I go to bar trivia whenever I can, I religiously watch the game show network, and I’m also involved in a Facebook group created by one of my friends who posts a new trivia question every day. Hell, I even have a box of Trivial Pursuit trivia cards in my car for road trips.

A little obsessed, maybe, but I love trivia so much because I like to challenge myself. It’s the same reason why everyone else participates in it. Simply to see how much smarter you are then your friends and competitors. However, when I play, it’s more like Slumdog Millionaire, where my life just so happens to revolve around the question or I just get lucky.

Trivia Pursuit is probably one of my favorite games and I’ve been playing it since I was a little kid. My brother and I would always team up with my parents and we’d compete. My brother would always be with my dad because for some odd reason my dad’s the smartest man never to compete on a game show. The man is an encyclopedia of random facts and pop culture. And I don’t mean those little pocket reference guides, I mean like a full on 35 pound, break my back encyclopedia. It’s disgustingly amazing.

However, my mother and I did win occasionally, less times then Jennifer Lopez has been married but we did have one up on my father and brother. DISNEY TRIVIA!!! Disney trivia was the greatest addition that Trivia Pursuit could have issued. There was no team that could defeat us. (Fun Fact: first movie watched was The Little Mermaid; Last movie watched was D2 The Mighty Ducks… Do the math!)

Now a days I simply meet up with friends at the bar a weekly basis and play team trivia against other groups at the bar. To me, this is just as fun, mainly because my dad’s not there to answer every freaking question correctly.

But now it’s time to put my trivia luck to the test. In less than two weeks, I will be traveling to New York City to try out… for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. My visit will consist of a 30 multiple choice question test with an interview to follow if I pass.

I finally have a chance to see if I’m meant to compete on a trivia game show. It’s a life-long dream finally coming true.

So now I ask all of you, if you see me online, pass me at work, or scroll by my name on your address book on your phone. I ask of you to ask me anything. Text me, email me, call me, ask me, Facebook wall post me…I have less than two weeks to prepare and what better time to start then late rather than never.

While I need to get through a 30 question test, one on one interview, and answer 15 questions to win a million dollars. The one question that has me absolutely puzzled, how the heck do I get to New York City without getting lost??

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