Monday, August 16, 2010

30 Days of Fail

For the past 4 months I have been on an exercise hiatus. While I’ve played about 15 softball games and spent about 40 dollars for a gym membership that might as well be used as toilet paper, I’ve practically been immobile. I think however that I’ve finally hit a point where I’m sick of doing nothing. I belong to a gym, live next to a park, and have 10+ pairs of shorts that lack sweat. So I’ve decided to create my own workout for the next 30 days. Why 30 days? I’ll tell you why, hence the blog. 30 days from August 16th is September 15th which happens to be my 24th birthday. There’s really no rhyme or reason, it just happens to be 30 days away and I don’t have much going on until then. (lucky me)

The next question I had for myself was what kind of work out do I attempt, nay, complete  during my 30 days. I’ve practically done every workout there is from all cardio to fast paced weight lifting, and there’s really only one thing I could try that I’ve never done before.

I came up with, the Until Fail Workout, or for title purposes during my duration, “30 Days of Fail.”

When I use to work out with my buddy Kevin back home in MA, we occasionally did weight lifting reps until fail, which for all you non-gym goers, is lifting weight until you absolutely, positively, crying for your momma can’t do it anymore. Kevin unlike myself could rep a lot more than me, so this is where he got his kicks, punches, and Mike Tyson Knockouts in. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it either, the results were worth it at the time. I lost weight quicker, and gained a lot of muscle.

Since going to the gym and lifting a bar bell over my head for 19 minutes until I failed wouldn’t really accomplish anything, I’ve decided to mix my once upon a time cardio workout with the until fail idea.

The idea would basically be to pick a form of cardio, whether it be walking, running, jogging, biking, stair-ing, or elliptically until I either drop or puke. Hell, maybe even both. Most likely both.

I still belong to the gym so everything will be accessible to me with no excuses. I will document every day for viewing pleasure. If anything it will help continue my on going articles without any down time and entertain any readers I still have. Also I plan to update constantly on my twitter account, so if you're really feeling up to it, you can follow me as destroy my body.

During my routine, I welcome insight, opinions, and of course the ever popular favorite… criticism.

So tomorrow (or today if you’re reading this on the 16th) I will leave work, grab my shorts, and head out the door for a run or jog, and hopefully by the end, a crawl.

If I’ve done this correctly you should be able to hear me by the end of the day. I’ll be the only guy in the Capital Region crying on my side, screaming for my momma.

Wish me, and over weight body, luck.

Stay tuned… Day 1 is coming up next.

1 comment:

  1. ... I like it, I think I try it too and let you know how I do. First person to have a heart attack wins

    ~ Steve Shannon
