Sunday, August 29, 2010

The 2010 YNN Fightin' Niners

On Monday August 30, 2010, the YNN Fightin’ Niners will participate in something the team hasn’t seen in years… a playoff game.

We’re all excited to compete with the best (for hopefully the next couple weeks) but we can’t forget the journey we took this summer to get to where we are today.

The season has practically flown by, well unless you’re Maureen who’s caught almost every game, at least half of them in the 85+ degree heat.

While our team is full of different types of personalities and talent, we have found a way to work together, perform, and finish with an 11-5 record. (Not bad for a team that only won a few games last year)

To explain our team, I guess it’s best to start at the top (of the batting order.)

Kippins was a core player. With speed that would even make Ricky Henderson tip his hat, Skipp could tap the ball and be on third before the opposing team even touches the ball.

However  there are times where he only gets to first. That’s where Skipps second half comes in. The Contact Extraordinar… Sarah! With just the tap of the bat, she’s successfully moved over Kippens at most a dozen times, helping us score on multiple occasions.

Some of our big hitters consist of Matt our short stop and photographer. Our center fielder and shortstop Tim. Our fearless leader, outfielder, fohawk wearing coach Carl. Of course yours truly batting a cool .680 with 5 home runs (yes I love stats and yes I’m a dork for keeping them.)

We can’t forget the other players of the team that made this season possible, basically because we’d have to forfeit without them. The lady niners include Ellie , our second baseman. Maureen our trooper behind the plate. Amy who pitches, plays infield, and hits like Dotty Henson! (she also brings her fiancé Ryan to hit sometimes. HAHA) Ashley was only able to show up a few times but basically was our short stop with a sweet swing. I can’t forget one of our power house batters that I couldn’t add to our big hitters simply because she’s like the Barry Bonds of softball, Laura who hits it over everyone’s heads simply because they always move in when a girl is up to bat. Sucks for them, works for us!

I also can’t forget about our team parent, Molly, who was our number one supporter always seemed to have a snack for all of us. (Juice boxes, crackers, or freeze pops!)

We also have guest appearances from Liz, Lori, and Sam who have helped contribute to our non forfeited games. Whether it be a win or a loss, at least we get to play.

We also wouldn’t have much of a team with out the help of our other Niners.

There’s Collie, with his hidden speed. Sully who I should have labeled in our big hitters group (only if he played more games.) John who we lost for most of the season because of an injury. George who’s helped us in the outfield. Joe added his pitching, pull hitting, and occasional swearing. Nick was also able to show off his INCREDIBLE pitching skills. He was able to walk more batters in one inning than anyone else combined the whole year. He also almost hit a homerun… almost.

Oh and then there’s Ken. Our co-captain who hurt his poor wittle ankle. Just kidding. He’s also known for hitting my car. Bastard.

This year has definitely been a great time for all. We’ve laughed, cried, walked off, and drank free beer.

Even if our playoff run is short lived, we still have the fall to keep the fun going.

But most importantly, the greatest thing to come from this year is obviously the FREE HATS!!!

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