Thursday, September 2, 2010

Love Thy Neighbor, Hate Thy Favre

Well it’s finally that time of year again. The long summer days are winding down, the leaves are weeks away from sporting their colorful coats, apples are plumping up on the orchards, and of course… Brett Favre is playing football.

It’s basically a tale as old as time, simply because Favre could be mistaken for Father Time. Man plays ball, man has great career, man retires, man come out of retirement,  plays again for another team, retires again, comes back one more time and plays with former longtime rival, retires AGAIN, comes back for that “one more year.” 

For some, The Brett Favre Ping Pong stirs up their emotions, both good and bad. For me personally, I love the fact that Favre is coming back… again… again. The fact is, I LOVE… to HATE him.

I’ve never liked Brett Favre and for the last few years, my dislike for him has only grown. 

I’ll give him the first retirement with the crying, weeping, and drawn out speech. I love when a player holds a conference regarding their retirement because it actually shows their real personality and human emotions. However, I do not like it when an athlete does it THREE TIMES!!!

Enough is enough already. If you looked at the percentage of SportsCenter coverage in the last year, 54 percent of it involved Favre in some way or another, 32 percent covered The Decision by King James, and the remaining 14 percent was normal coverage. But then again 67.3 percent of all statistics are made up so who knows if those facts are accurate. 

I digress… these last 3 years have been Favring Annoying. Ahhhh… you see! He’s taking over in my blog now too.

While I am a Patriots fan, some would think that I have plenty to keep me occupied this year. With all the Rex Ryan talk and Patriots being the underdog this season, you’d think Favre wouldn’t bother me at all. WRONG!

Like I said, I love to hate this guy. I loved watching him cry again at the NFC Championship Game against New Orleans, and I’ll love watching him lose again during Week 1 against the Saints. I love watching a sideway number four on the ground after being hit by a ravenous linebacker. 

I also have to mention, that I love how stupid he looks trying to act in There’s Something About Mary.
And sorry Wrangler but I can never buy a pair of pants from you again. 

I can’t wait to sit on my c-o-rrrrrr-you going to the mall today… sit on my couch on Halloween and watch the old man cripple his way onto the field, take the snap from center and play once again, against my beloved Patriots.

Who am I kidding, I’ll be on the edge of my seat, nails down to the bone, wetting my pants as he drives down the field for a game winning touchdown. 

God Damn, I love to hate this guy!

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