Saturday, March 19, 2011

What is Pretty?

By definition, it’s a word used when describing something that just makes you smile, tear up, or just plain happy. For example, a flower, painting, sunset, or woman.

While the same goes for myself, I look at the word pretty for something much more.

To me, and millions of other around the world, it mean’s something more than a still frame moment. Instead it’s a series of moments all intertwined into one, well, “pretty” shot.

Pretty -- It’s a chip shot on Augusta that plops on the green, takes a hard right turn, and navigates itself towards the flagstick as if it’s being directed by a TOM TOM GPS.

Pretty -- A shooter that releases the ball at that precise moment while the defender is in the air. His arm outstretched as high as it can be but it doesn’t even come close as the ball literally floats through the air and into the bucket.

Pretty -- A game ending block that sends a happy-go-lucky 13-seed into the next round of a tournament after beating out a favorited 4-seed.

Pretty -- A ball that dances in the wind as it travels just over 60 feet to a mammoth of an athlete ready to whack the stitching off it but fails to do so as it dips from his eyes to toes, buckling his knees in the process.

Pretty -- A goalie with his legs out stretched and shame left in the net behind him because a shooter just hit the turbo button while juking 6 ways towards Sunday to score in overtime.

Pretty -- A toe tapping touchdown that a receiver catches after thwarting off his defender and stopping on a dime before hitting the white line while simultaneously gripping the ball for 6 points.

Pretty -- A player that sees a ball zipping towards him and instead of using his head to change it's path, springs backwards into the air and flips his foot above his head to redirect the ball by the defender for the score.

There are many things in this world that are pretty that necessarily don’t have the typical female appeal. Whether it be a middle aged man scoring a goal or a freshman in college juking out his senior opponent, just remember, pretty isn’t just for your grandma‘s linens anymore.

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