Monday, July 19, 2010

Can You Hear, Email, Tweet, Text Me Now??

In the world we live in, technology is always changing. I think we can all agree that’s obvious. But to really step back and analyze it only makes you think even more. The other day I bought myself a new phone because my old one was dying after going through more abuse than Tina Turner.

While getting use to my new phone (LG Ally), I sat in living room jaw to the ground amazed at how many different things that it was capable of doing.

I’m actually surprised the manual wasn’t the size of a bible.

While reading through it, and playing around with the phone settings, I day dreamed back to the days of middle school where my parents handed me my first cell phone…The Nokia Brick.

The Nokia was the greatest and coolest thing a kid could own back then. It finally gave you a sense of ownership with something as responsible as a phone line.

It came with 3 or 4 ringtones, basic number pad for calling, no form of texting, limited service, oh and one of the coolest games, Snake.

I miss the days of simplicity in phones. Now-a-days my phone allows texting, emailing, instant messaging, picture taking, video recording, ringtone downloading, emailing, facebooking, youtube watching, WiFi-finding, Google Searching, emailing, voice activating, game playing, document scanning, GPSing, and about 10,000 other things the Nokia couldn’t but a Droid now can. (BTW, I put emailing 3 times because I have three emails linked to my phone, so there, it wasn’t a typo that you thought you noticed.)

Every phone I received after the Nokia got better and better, technology wise anyway. Not so much physically. I’ve had multiple bricks, flips, crackberrys, and now a droid.

I know that I’m amazed today at how much my phone does, and can wait for the next few years to see what else it can do.

And actually it won’t matter, because my father’s response to my future phone will never change and I get a kick out of it every time.

I’ll tell him everything from ESPN Fantasy Tracker to Bank of America Online Banking and he’ll just stare at me the way I cow stares at an oncoming train, and simply say, “DOES IT MAKE PHONE CALLS??”

Here’s to the APProaching Cell Phone Future!

1 comment:

  1. I love this (a wee-bit late on reading it!). And I miss my Nokia Brick. Hahaha.
