Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Don't Forget To Turn Left...

This last weekend I happened to be watching SportsCenter (big surprise, I watch it like 4 times a day). But this time I happened to watch the highlights from the Brickyard 400 in Indianapolis.

During the quick minute of crashes, passes, and celebrating, I noticed one thing about the NASCAR highlight.

I realized that a minute of watching racing is about all I can handle. I just don't understand the fascination of competitive racing. (I say competitive because it's clearly a "competition" between a group of people. They train and compete to be number one.)

However, I am not convinced that racing is a sport, just like I'm not inclined to calling drivers athletes.

I grew up watching the four major sports; Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Hockey.

While I understand that every sport has it's boring moments that arguably every sports fan can make. Football with it's continuous replays and commercial breaks, hockey with it's low scoring match ups, and basketball when it's not the playoffs. Let's also not count out the entire sport of baseball (my favorite) that's boring in every aspect of the game to anyone who doesn't share the passion of America's past time. (At least I'm man enough to admit it.)

But racing... I really don't understand it. How can someone sit through 3 hours of cars going around in an oval. They're cars... they drive, pass each other, turn left about 2,000 times, and often crash because of stupidity. It's like the I87/I90 split during rush hour.

The concept of racing is simple but apparently the preliminary rules of racing are more complex than rocket surgery and brain science combined. The car must be perfect to a "T" in order to pass inspection for racing. If just the slightest thing is off kilter, a driver/car can be disqualified.

Can you imagine if this was the case for other sports.

Sorry, Rockets have to forfeit because Yao Ming forgot to lace his sneakers through every hole.
Looks like the Mets lose another one because Reyes' brim on his hat wasn't curved properly with a length of middle Ordinate of 1.5 inches. 

I'm not even going to get into the different types of flags that are waved depending on the different situations. Lets just say if it were football, the refs would look like a bag of skittles running down the field.

I'm also not going to even get started on the fuel issue of NASCAR, how dropping competitive racing could also drop gas prices by a significant amount. All I know is that NASCAR racing uses about 200,000 gallons of racing each year. For me, I could fill up 20,000 times with the amount of gas they use in one year. This would last me almost 780 years! So not only is the sport boring, but it's also wasting a natural resource. (Okay, I guess I got into it.)

It's not like baseball is hurting the population of cows from the leather baseballs that are used.

Overall the sport is just a way to kill time on a Sunday. I can't even say raining day, because they don't race during the rain, just like that other 1% of all sports.

I say, do yourself a favor. Next time you want to kill an afternoon of car watching. Grab a 6 pack, a couple law chairs and plop yourself on the medium of the highway, there's really no difference. Jimmie Johnson will still probably win.

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