Wednesday, December 8, 2010

J-E-T-S, It Ain't Over Yet

After week 13, many Patriots fans were holding their head high. Tom Brady had another stellar outing, the defense stepped up only allowing 3 points, and Belichick simply out coached Rex and Company.

While I admit I thoroughly enjoyed the entire 60 minutes of Jets bashing, I’m as nervous as Charlie Sheen’s next wife. The Patriots dominated quarter after quarter until the final whistle which should have kept me a lot calmer than I was. Instead, two incidents in sports history came into my mind, and they still haunt me as I type.

The first was fairly recent. The year was 2007 and the Patriots were trying to mimic the 72 Dolphins’ perfect season. That game against the Giants was a well fought game. The Patriots were far from dominant but it didn’t matter. They won the game and retained the perfect regular season. From there they were on a winning high going 2-0 over Jacksonville and San Diego en route to the big dance.

The Giants fought hard that post season, winning 3 games (1 in overtime) and eventually beating the then 18-0 Patriots. (Writers note: I don’t really like to refer to them as the 18-1 Patriots because it causes my arm to go numb and my chest to burn. Calling them the one time 18-0 Patriots helps me sleep better at night.)

The thing about that game is that everyone knew the Giants were a tough fighting team, but not many outside of the Meadowlands area thought the Patriots would lose this game. Statistics were on their side; 100% of the teams that went undefeated in the regular season went on to win the Super Bowl. Granted it was only the 72 Dolphins, but still it counts. The Giants busted the “All Mighty” Patriots destroying the hopes and dreams of New England fans everywhere.

The other event in sports history that I instantly remembered was the night February 9th, 1980. Obviously I wasn’t alive to witness this myself but that’s why we have history lessons in school, or own the movie Miracle. 

That’s right; I’m talking about the 1980 Olympic Men’s Hockey team. On that highly anticipated night in 1980, the Soviets destroyed team U.S.A. with a final score of 10-3. The U.S. team was an afterthought from there on until the elimination rounds. I don’t have to explain what happened when the Soviets and U.S. met up in the semi finals. (Hint: Team U.S.A. won)

These two incidents instantly blinded my view once the half time hit. Granted the next time the Patriots would see the Jets would probably be the 2nd or 3rd round of the playoffs, it still scares me to think that there could be ONE more game. A game where the team that had their exteriors handed to them, come up on top.
The great thing about sports is that history always seems to find a way to repeat itself. I’m just hoping history is choosing one of the three Patriots’ Super Bowl victories.

Also if you have any comments, questions, or opinions, please feel free to add below or you can email me at

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