Thursday, January 27, 2011


Say it loud, say it proud! Get in the hole! That phrase has the chance of being screamed at the top of someone’s lungs more than 100 times in the next 4 days. That’s because the man, the myth, the legend, the dirt bag, and the answer to the question, ‘What do you call thousands of white men following a single black man?’,  returns to the game of golf for the 2011 season. (Answer: The PGA)

His name… is Eldrick, I mean Tiger!

We’re talking about arguably the greatest golfer to ever set foot on a tee box. He entered the 2010 season on bad terms, coming off a public display of his marital issues. He never seemed to gain control of his game as he went winless in 2010 for the first time in his career.

For now he returns to Torrey Pines where he’s owned the course throughout his tenure. And even with everything that’s happened with Tiger, (the media attention, mistresses, divorce, horrible advertisements, and putter complaining) I still find myself wearing my red shirt and hoping for a victory.

I love Tiger Woods, the golfer. As a person and human being, I’m first admit the decisions he’s made were obviously the wrong ones, but his personal life shouldn’t take away from the way he entertains us. That’s all he is really or any professional athlete. They are performers.

Just because Michael Vick ran an underground dog fight, doesn’t mean I don’t love watching him juke the shorts out of a defenseless line backer. Or what about Mark McGuire? Steroids or not, thinking about that  number 62 homerun clear the fence in a hurry still gives me chills.

Tiger Woods is a marvel by any means. He’s simply a freak of nature, and his personal life shouldn’t take away from his talents. Would you turn down a perfectly carved dining room dinette set if the creator was a level 1 sex offender? Face it people, product is product, no matter who the producer.

The one thing not going in Tiger’s favor is his true followers. Some will hide in the shade, nervous to speak up for their free swinging hero. (See what I did there.) This will be a true test for Eldrick, proving if he really is as good as his stats show or is it all amped up by the crowd that use scream for him on the tee box and ask for his 3 wood head cover… Don’t laugh my brother actually asked a golfer for one of those.

So come these next few days, I know I’ll be cheering for him, because I openly admit that I love watching him play. Of course I see the personal problems he has but those things don’t need to be brought up on the fairway. Sure they’ll be joked about in the galley, but that’s different, those people aren’t playing for titles. I said titles, not… never mind. He use to play for those.

Before this post is filled with That’s what she said jokes, I suggest you put aside your hatred for a disgraceful ex-husband and narcissistic celebrity behind you, because this cocky professional has had a year and off season to regroup, with nothing but a fresh cut fairway in front of him.

That’s what she said.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

J-E-T-S... What Am I Saying?

I like the Jets?

Now I know what you’re thinking. You mean I like the Jets to win the Super Bowl, or do well next season.

We’ll sorry sports fans (especially those in New England) but I think I actually like the Jets.

No I’m not switching teams or jumping on the band wagon. I simply hitting the “Like” button on their Facebook fan page.

I attribute this disease to HBO. On one summer day in August, I grabbed a beer, sat on my couch, and watched the highly anticipated Hard Knocks.

This year’s season revolved around The New York Jets. Let’s just say, I laughed at the antics, I screamed at the players, and I loved the story telling.

For this I blame HBO, because even after the 5 episodes ended, the Jets continued their journey. I watched them for 19 weeks, and I fell in Like.

When I watch a Jets game I know the players. I recognize the coaches; Schottenheimer, Westhoff, and the big man Ryan. The hard part for a Patriots fan like myself to admit, is that I enjoy watching the Jets play. 

Because I know all the faces, I can relate to them better than I can my own team.
I feel bad for the college kids that didn’t get picked, and the players that were overlooked. I feel that I have a better understanding of Danny Woodhead’s position with the Patriots because I saw the difficulty he went through in training camp.

Now I’m not saying I’m rooting for the Jets and I’m not saying I’m going out to by a Revis jersey, but honestly, I don’t really have a problem with the team.

Sure they have classless issues and are a bunch of whinny punks, but who isn’t these days. Sometimes you get players like that but every sport needs a bad guy. Golf now has Tiger, basketball now has LeBron, baseball has always had the Yankees, so why can’t football have the Jets.

I guess you could say I more than like the Jets, maybe I even love them. Okay maybe not to that extreme, but if they’re going to be a top team these next coming years, maybe one day I’ll love… to hate them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rivalry Takes a Step Forward

I remember it like it was this morning, September 19th of last year. I was sitting in living room watching the Jets comeback and man handle the Patriots.

I sat barely 2 feet away from my screen hunched over, eyes glued, stomping my feet, swearing loudly.

Then came the soft voice from my girlfriend sitting on the coach behind trying to tell me, "not to get so upset, it's just a game."

Just a game? It's not just a game! The Jets and Patriots are far more than just a game. It's become a heated tradition. Much like Christmas is every year, except it happens at least 2 times a year.

On Sunday, they'll meet for the 3rd time. Hold me back and break out the salsa, Christmas come-th again!

My temper has calmed down since Week 2, not only because of a 14-2 record but also a week 13, 45-3 trampling by the Brady Bunch over Sexy Rexy and the rest of the flat footed delinquents.

During the 2010 rivalry, I've screamed twice at my T.V. Once out of anger and the other because of hilarity.

Now the Jets head to New England (ONE MORE TIME) to square off again on the grid iron, hopefully I'll shed tears of joy instead of sadness.

This week has been full of trash talking, foot referencing, and personal grudging. Personally, I'm sick and tired of it, but at the same time I can't get enough.

I'm looking forward to 2 things come Sunday; The Final Score and post game press conference.

As a New England fan (if you didn't know that already) Here's a quote I wouldn't mind lending Rex after the game.

"They beat us. They're that good right now. They're that hot. I just tip my hat and call the Yankees...err.. The Patriots my daddy"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Michigan's Future... Under Center

Rich Rodriguez might be out of Michigan but what about his star player?
Quarterback Denard Robinson has a decision to make, to play or get paid?

He doesn’t have much time to decide as the date to declare is right around the corner.
Many believe that with the recent firing of head coach Rodriguez, Robinson may end up in the NFL earlier than expected.

But will Robinson be able to survive after only 1 full year of college ball? Sure he could be the best thing to come out of Michigan since the 199th pick of the 2000 NFL Draft (His name has slipped my mind, but I know it’s someone important), but is it in his best interest to stay.

Michigan will likely bring in a coach that will run an offense similar to the Post Rich Rod era, a non-spread offense. Right now that, offense seems like a great fit for Robinson’s talents. He has a strong arm and legs that will take him any which way.

It’s unlikely that he will excel in the NFL without one of two things.

A.)   He continues to develop into an all around quarterback (Running/Throwing), which he is already, for the next two years. This way he will have enough experience and be able to up his draft order. As of right now he wouldn’t go to high, because he has the flash but lacks the experience.

B.)    He looks past being a quarterback and switched positions. With his speed and agility, he could be a very good wide out/special team’s guy. However, you don’t want to waste an arm like his.

The problem with part B is that when Robinson was recruited, Michigan wanted him to play cornerback, but he declined until they offered him a quarterback scholarship. If he was that stubborn about committing to a school, it’s up in the air if he’ll want to do the same thing in the pros.

Part A seems more realistic. Many people are already labeling him as a Vick 2.0, expect the only thing Denard is guilty of is not tying his shoes. Denard threw for more than 2,000 yards and ran for more than 1,500 this year. It’s also amazing because it’s his first full year.

Personally, I think he’ll excel either way, because the only thing that will likely stop him is his own untied shoe laces.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The End of the Road, Week 17

Week 17, I never thought this time would come. I’ve been making picks since week 3 and while it’s not worth running on the front page of the paper, my record is still pretty respectable. I’ve made 122 correct picks out of a possible 200, not bad if I don’t say so myself. However, there is one more week to go so let’s see if I can’t end the season with a bang. Week 17, here we go:

MIA @ NE – NE. After last year’s final game, there are a few people I would like to see on the sidelines come the start of this game, including but not limited to THE ENTIRE STARTING ROSTER FOR NEW ENGLAND!!!!! Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson once. Plus it would be nice to see what Brady’s back up can do. Who is his back up anyway?? Hoyer? In four game this guy has negative 9 rushing yards. Wondering why? Well it’s because he’s the victory formation guy. All he’s done this year is knell the ball.  

BUF @ NYJ – NYJ. The only thing that the Jets can do this week is move up a playoff spot with a win and a couple losses by Baltimore and Pittsburgh. Well since that’s not going to happen, they might want to prepare themselves for round one. As for Buffalo, they should just lay down and hope for a Bengals and Broncos win, which would give them a possible 2nd pick of the draft.

CIN @ BAL – BAL. I would love to see Baltimore get a first round bye and wrap up the AFC North. That way the Patriots wouldn’t have to face them until at least round 3. We all know what happened last time they met in the playoffs, and we’ll just leave it at that.

OAK @ KC – KC. Oakland can’t reach the playoffs but they can play for pride. Who are we kidding, they lost that back in week 1…3…6…11…12, ehh you catch my drift.

PIT @ CLE – CLE. It’s all about pride with Cleveland and I don’t expect this team to just lay down and die, since they haven’t done that all year. Pittsburgh is trying to fight for a first round bye, which they can do simply by putting up a win against Cleveland. While the Browns can’t go any further than the tee box, nothing would make them happier than to be a division spoiler.

MIN @ DET – MIN. JOE WEBB BABY!!! There’s something to say about a player drafted 199th overall. Hey, it worked for New England.

TB @ NO – NO. While I believe that ATL will wrap up the NFC South, that doesn’t mean New Orleans won’t be left out of post season play. They’ve already clinched a playoff spot and should win against TB in hopes of ATL choking.

CAR @ ATL – ATL. ATL is still fighting for the number 1 seed. Other than Cincinnati, I can’t think of any other team I’d rather face. Carolina should lay down and hope for a high draft pick.

JAC @ HOU – JAC. There are only two teams in the AFC fighting for a playoff spot, the Colts and Jaguars. The Jags need Indy to lose in order to get in. As for Jacksonville, Houston is a perfect team to face for a clincher since the Texans have been finding ways to lose games all year long. If the Texans want to try and pull off a win, they might want to do some praying, maybe a Hail Mary… too soon???

DAL @ PHI  - PHI. I said at the beginning of the year that Kevin Kolb would be the starting quarterback for the Eagles when the season ends. Sure he’s not the permanent starter but he’s still could be the starter for the end of the season. Even though Philly is a lock for the 3rd seed, Kevin Kolb will play his heart out because he could be playing for a new job somewhere else.

CHI @ GB  - GB. Chicago doesn’t really have anything to play for, unless you call home field an advantage. But even that might be going in the wrong direction since 3 out for Chicago’s 4 losses have come at home. It’s also unlikely that both NO and ATL will lose, which is the only senerio that gives Chicago home field advantage. They’re better off resting their starters for round 2 of the playoffs.

ARI @ SF – ARI. Both teams are out so let’s go with ARI just because.

SD @ DEN – SD. SD had their chance last week and blew it with a sad lose to Cincinnati. Better luck next year.

NYG @ WAS – NYG. I’ve already picked GB to win, which means I don’t expect the Giants to get into the playoffs, but I do still believe that they’ll pull of a win against the Redskins.

TEN @ IND – IND. If you asked me at the beginning of the year if I thought it would come down to the last game of the year for Indy to clinch a playoff spot, I’d think you were nuts. Many people would, but injuries have plagued this team are year long, causing the team to shift the way they’ve played for years. Fortunately for IND, the only person fighting for anything on Sunday is Jeff Fisher for his job.

STL @ SEA – STL. It seems that more and more rookie quarterbacks have been able to bring a team to the playoffs. I expect Sam Bradford to be added to that list after Sunday’s game.