Sunday, January 23, 2011

J-E-T-S... What Am I Saying?

I like the Jets?

Now I know what you’re thinking. You mean I like the Jets to win the Super Bowl, or do well next season.

We’ll sorry sports fans (especially those in New England) but I think I actually like the Jets.

No I’m not switching teams or jumping on the band wagon. I simply hitting the “Like” button on their Facebook fan page.

I attribute this disease to HBO. On one summer day in August, I grabbed a beer, sat on my couch, and watched the highly anticipated Hard Knocks.

This year’s season revolved around The New York Jets. Let’s just say, I laughed at the antics, I screamed at the players, and I loved the story telling.

For this I blame HBO, because even after the 5 episodes ended, the Jets continued their journey. I watched them for 19 weeks, and I fell in Like.

When I watch a Jets game I know the players. I recognize the coaches; Schottenheimer, Westhoff, and the big man Ryan. The hard part for a Patriots fan like myself to admit, is that I enjoy watching the Jets play. 

Because I know all the faces, I can relate to them better than I can my own team.
I feel bad for the college kids that didn’t get picked, and the players that were overlooked. I feel that I have a better understanding of Danny Woodhead’s position with the Patriots because I saw the difficulty he went through in training camp.

Now I’m not saying I’m rooting for the Jets and I’m not saying I’m going out to by a Revis jersey, but honestly, I don’t really have a problem with the team.

Sure they have classless issues and are a bunch of whinny punks, but who isn’t these days. Sometimes you get players like that but every sport needs a bad guy. Golf now has Tiger, basketball now has LeBron, baseball has always had the Yankees, so why can’t football have the Jets.

I guess you could say I more than like the Jets, maybe I even love them. Okay maybe not to that extreme, but if they’re going to be a top team these next coming years, maybe one day I’ll love… to hate them.

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