Friday, January 14, 2011

Rivalry Takes a Step Forward

I remember it like it was this morning, September 19th of last year. I was sitting in living room watching the Jets comeback and man handle the Patriots.

I sat barely 2 feet away from my screen hunched over, eyes glued, stomping my feet, swearing loudly.

Then came the soft voice from my girlfriend sitting on the coach behind trying to tell me, "not to get so upset, it's just a game."

Just a game? It's not just a game! The Jets and Patriots are far more than just a game. It's become a heated tradition. Much like Christmas is every year, except it happens at least 2 times a year.

On Sunday, they'll meet for the 3rd time. Hold me back and break out the salsa, Christmas come-th again!

My temper has calmed down since Week 2, not only because of a 14-2 record but also a week 13, 45-3 trampling by the Brady Bunch over Sexy Rexy and the rest of the flat footed delinquents.

During the 2010 rivalry, I've screamed twice at my T.V. Once out of anger and the other because of hilarity.

Now the Jets head to New England (ONE MORE TIME) to square off again on the grid iron, hopefully I'll shed tears of joy instead of sadness.

This week has been full of trash talking, foot referencing, and personal grudging. Personally, I'm sick and tired of it, but at the same time I can't get enough.

I'm looking forward to 2 things come Sunday; The Final Score and post game press conference.

As a New England fan (if you didn't know that already) Here's a quote I wouldn't mind lending Rex after the game.

"They beat us. They're that good right now. They're that hot. I just tip my hat and call the Yankees...err.. The Patriots my daddy"

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