Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Clinching is Beautiful Thing

Tis the season to watch football. Fortunately for me, I don't have to worry about these next couple weeks since my team is all set for the post season. Unfortunately for almost everyone I work with, this week counts for two of New York's teams and would you know, they're playing each other. I can't explain how nice it is not to have to worry about crunch time in the NFL. It nice to just sit back, relax, chill out in good ole rural Vermont, and read about the scores in the paper the next morning. So while your panicking over your teams playoff hopes, I'll be watching the Yule Log and playing cards with my future in-laws. Cheers!

HOU @ IND - HOU. Yay Indy!!! You finally did it, Now it's time to lose number 14. But good job beating Tennessee. Good luck with a playoff contender.

CLE @ BAL - BAL. I nailed the Cleveland game last week right on the head. Thanks a lot Cardinals! Now it's time for the other birds to do the same.

DEN @ BUF - DEN. I love every bit of this game. Buffalo coming off a tough loss to the Miami Heat-ing up, while Denver get's thwarted by the New England Patriots. Something tells me Tebow and friends aren't going to let their heads sulk too long. Meanwhile, Buffalo seems to be enjoying their losing streak again.

TB @ CAR - CAR. My friend told me last week that he was surprised by Tampa Bay's record when he saw it. Well I said the same thing when I saw Carolina's record. The only difference is, Carolina's win-loss doesn't match the talent on the field. The team will flourish in the years to come. Not many quarterbacks take their teams to the end in their rookie season. The best part is that Cam Newton is performing like an All Star player and turning heads left and right. This one's a coin flipper when it comes down to it, but I'll take Newton since I've taken him for a majority of the year.

ARI @ CIN - CIN. Arizona loves to show up where they don't belong, especially with a 7-7 record. That record is nothing to hold your nose up to, especially with the Cardinals riding a 4 game win streak. However, it comes down to who wants it more and the Cardinals are far from a playoff spot with the 49ners clinching the division. That means that Cincinnati should be going out there on Saturday "balls to the walls." I have faith in Andy Dalton to put the Bengals back into wild card contention. With a Jets loss that becomes a huge reality.

OAK @ KC - OAK. Congrats to Kansas City for taking down the mighty mighty Packers. Unfortunately it doesn't make the Chiefs any better of a team. All that win did was give them a boost of morale. Meanwhile, Oakland needs to run the table and pray for a little less Tebow magic.

MIA @ NE - NE. Personally these next two weeks mean nothing to me as a fan. I could hoot and holler about home field advantage throughout the playoffs but the last two years for the Patriots, that hasn't mean diddly, yes I said diddly, squat. I could care less about a bye week in the playoffs, because as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter if the Pats are playing at home, on the road, in the first or second round, or on the God forsaken moon. I'll take New England in this game just on principle, but I honestly could care less until the playoffs begin.

NYG @ NYJ - NYG. I can't really get in to the reason why I think the Giants are going to win. It's not because of their record and it's definitely not because of their momentum since they lost to Washington last week. Quite honestly, they probably had the worst game of the year last week against the Redskins, but for some reason, some odd little reason, I think the Giants are going to pull it off against the Jets.

STL @ PIT - PIT. Pittsburgh may be hurt, but they're still better than St. Louis.

JAC @ TEN - TEN. Way to go Tennessee. You gave Indianapolis hope and stopped Peyton Manning from making a comeback this year. As a New England fan, I was hoping the Colts would rush Peyton Manning back only to set him back in the long run. Do me a favor and make it up to me this week by putting Jacksonville further into a hole.

MIN @ WAS - MIN. Washington played a great game against the Giants or did the Giants play just a horrible game against Washington?? Either way I'm going with Minnesota on this one, since I'm not really convinced that Washington has any true talent besides at running back.

SD @ DET - DET. Detroit did miracles against Oakland last week, but can they do the same against an evenly matched team like San Diego. My guess is yes, but I still think it's going to be a high scoring game.

PHI @ DAL - PHI. Philly's on a roll these past few weeks. They're playing like they should have playing the entire year. Maybe the dream team finally woke up, too bad it's probably too late.

SF @ SEA - SF. Will San Francisco be holding back this week? Well they didn't last week against Pittsburgh. Instead they came out swinging. Something tells me they're not finished.

CHI @ GB - GB. Green Bay may have lost focus last week to blow their perfect season, but that doesn't mean their done doing work. As far as I'm told they still have to keep winning to get home field advantage throughout the playoffs. There's still a team or two that can steal that away from them.

ATL @ NO - NO. Atlanta's not who we thought they were and right now they're only beating teams that have sub-.500 records. It's going to take a little more than luck to beat a team that has an 11-3 record. It also doesn't help that New Orleans already beat Atlanta earlier this year.

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