Friday, November 19, 2010

Make it, Bake it... Same Difference

The other day I was part of a party at work. There was cake, cookies, brownies, fake wine (grape juice), and a tasty treat by yours truly. No, my girlfriend didn't make it. After hearing about the company get together a day in advance, I had to scramble to either buy or bake something that night.

Walking around the supermarket, I decided to text one of my friends for some ideas. Bread bowls and chips were discussed until I realized the one actually good edible meal that I can cook. Pancakes! Looking like a fool with my pants on the ground... err... I mean, food in my hands, I ran around Price Chopper (that's Shaw's for all you non-New York/Vermont folk).

I had pancake mix, syrup, chocolate chips, and butter in my hands when I realized that this "treat" was going to cost me about the same as a meal from Dinosaur BBQ. I would know because I just had it. Full rack of ribs and Mt. Everest highly recommended.

So I put the different ingredients down and continued my search. That is until I came (pff... sorry... hehe) face to face with the pudding section. I tried to remember the last time I had pudding. No recollection came to mind so I started to grab the boxes. After filling my arms with pudding, there was one thing missing. A place to put it. I couldn't just bring in two bowls of pudding, so Googled how to make pie crust.

After skimming through my phone for recipes for 5 minutes I decided to go a different route, mini pre-made pie crusts. The interesting story about the pie crusts is that I think everyone thought I baked them, because every time someone asked who made the pie and other would say my name, they became wide eyed with an almost shocked look on their face.

NOTE: I never corrected anyone when they said I baked it, nor did I agree with the statement.

The mini pies were a success but far from the most popular item. For me it was a batch of cookies made by one of my co-workers. The thing about these cookies is that none even come close to comparing. I was spoiled with them when I first started working here, simply because there were 3 or 4 holidays in which to make them. For the last 10 months however, I've been without, and started to have withdrawals.

Let's just say I've only had two mini pies, and enough cookies to last me until Christmas. God Bless the Holidays!

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