Monday, March 15, 2010

1.21 gigawatts... forgetaboutit

It's been a tradition for the last x-amount of years to call my dad twice a year to say one very important thing:

"Maaaaarty!!!! We Did It!"

You see, unlike any other normal human, I've always considered day light savings time to be like traveling through time rather than manually changing time. In this case, I always revert back to the movie "Back to the Future"

As heavy as this might seem, this year was the greatest moment of them all. This is why:

I was driving to work Sunday morning and I was running about 5 minutes late. However this actually helped make this the best day light savings time ever. I had decided to take the highway that morning to get to work faster, little did I know that I'd be messing with the space time continuum in the process.

After paying my 30 cents at the toll plaza, I revved my engine and slowly started to speed away. As the needle began to rise (that's what she said) I noticed that the time on car's clock read 1:59AM. I drove a little faster and truthfully hit about 76 on my speedometer. Just then, the clock turned over and the time read 3:00AM.

I almost shit my pants. I had never been in this position before (that's what she said) where I'd be driving when day light savings time actually took place. This was by far the coolest driving experience I had ever been apart of. Not only did I travel through time, but I apparently did it with an updated flux capacitor because I only had to travel 76MPH. Chrysler manufactures did a good job of hiding the damn thing, because I still can't find it in my car.

Anyway, I was just happy their wasn't a lightning storm at the time... who knows where or when I would have ended up.


  1. I am absolutely insulted at the fact that this was your most exciting moment in an automobile! I mean, this is REDICULOUS!!!! I remember a couple of years ago in a silver Saturn SL1 we got run into on 95 by an 18-wheeler. AND HE KEPT MOVING!!!!!!!!

    ...what a dick...

    SEE YA!,

  2. You, my friend-- need to find a hobby!LOL hehe
