Tuesday, March 2, 2010

All Aboard the Band Wagon!!!

You see them everywhere, hear them in the crowd, hang out with them at the bar. They don't have an origin or favorite franchise but their the first ones to root for the team that holds the W.


There is nothing more I hate than the bandwagon crowd. They always seem to show up during winning streaks, playoffs, championships, and the offseason (especially if the team they "now" root for has just won."

They come out of the wood work with their hats and sweat shirts from the 1980s.
You've never seen them rooting for a particular team before but as soon as they're on the positive side of the news, poof out like a genie!

The worst part is, it's always the same excuse when you asked them about their fanism.
"Since when are you a _____ fan?"
"I've always been a fan of them."


Where the heck have you been?? Through the bad, ugly, and painfully disgusting.
Aren't you suppose to have pride in your team?

"Well I don't like to express my favoritism."

Then why now?? Did you have a sports epiphany?
It just erks me the wrong way.

There are only a couple times where it's appropriate to just randomly show your fanism, both of which I've experienced.

Whether it's a friendly rivalry with a friend or family member. I recently became a Michigan University fan because my ex-roommate is a huge The Ohio State fan. Not only does it make it O.K. because it was a rivalry but Michigan wasn't even good when I started liking them. They've gotten killed in every sport since then. Wolverine fans should beg me to flip flop to the Buckeye side to save their team from salvation.

The other excuse to love a new team is when you move to a new area where the surrounding population shares the same liking of a certain team. I recently moved to Albany, New York and many people in the area and at work are huge Syracuse fans and Siena fans.

I've always loved watching Syracuse play in any collegiate sport and Siena beat Ohio State last year during the NCAA Tournament.

The thing about me is that I'm the first to admit that I love all sports. I'm a person who will jokingly make it seem as if my teams the only one that matters but I truly analyze and understand every fans point of view. Now I'm not about to start rooting for the Yankees in the Post Season (if they ever get back there again) but I will take the good with the bad. Even though I'm not a Yankee fan, it still doesn't mean I would cheer for them. I'm trailing... sorry.

Back to those stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf-herders!

I can't count how many Giants Fans I met after the Superbowl a few years ago. They came in waves, as Arnold has once said, "they were coming (from) everywhere"
It wasn't irritating because my team lost, it was irritating because these so-called fans were all of a sudden die-hards.

If you're going to be a fan, be a fan... because if you're not a fan... you're a heater... just blowing hot air all the time.


  1. This is exactly why I didn't root for the USA hockey team. Did I wish them well? Yeah you bet. Am I a hockey fan? Only when drunk and getting thrown out for throwing snowballs at the other schools goalie...
    I saw too many Fair weather fans for the USA game the other day and it made me sad. Yeah, GO USA! kick some ass, but do it everyday and you will indeed be awesome. Do it when everyone else is and you're just another schmuck.

  2. You can't say you weren't a bandwagon fan last year for the Bruins season. It's ok to be a bandwagon fan as long as you admit it. I have become one of the EPL (soccer in general), Bruins, 'Cuse, quite a few things once I really started following sports.

    The one thing is you need to admit it, which I do everyday.

    One thing I have always stood by was the fact that I hate New York and Duke and UNC suck.

    -Andy McKeen-
