Saturday, March 13, 2010


With the madness that is March grabbing my every little bit of attention, I can't help but think how much I love sports. In my last blog I mentioned the different types of sporting events going on, but now I'd like to focus on the crazed sports fan I am. This is more of a checklist to see if you're as crazy and obsessed with sports as me. If you've got any others that you're actually guilty of, please don't hesitate to comment below.
From subtle to crazy, here is my top ten:

10. You're alarm clock ring tone is Al Michael's "Miracle Call" Every morning starts off amazing!

9. You and your coworkers are addicted to so much, your employer blocked the site from the work server.

8. When getting free cable... instead of the free playboy channel you ask for the NFL network. 

7. Team Hat for every part of the year... A Red Sox hat for St. Patricks Day, Christmas, Spring and Halloween. Working on a blue and white one for Chanukah.

6. You pick your favorite player in a fantasy draft as your first pick even though he's barely the 5th best player on his team let alone in the league. (2005: Kevin Millar)

5. Tattoo of favorite team

4. You DVR a baseball game when you attend it just to see if you were no TV. Even though you had seats behind a pole or in the nose bleeds.

3. You mute the television during Wednesday and Sunday night baseball if your team is playing and use your Audio Subscription to listen to your hometown radio announcer, even though there's a 30 second delay.

2.You've once owned the starting rotation of your favorite baseball team. 2004 Red Sox:
Bronson Arroyo, Derek Lowe, Pedro Martinez, Curt Schilling, and Tim Wakefield. (Others from the same year include: Jason Veritek, Kevin Millar, Johnny Damon, Manny Ramirez, Brian Daubach, and David Ortiz.)

And Number One is.....

1. After 23 years of living minutes from Boston and swearing by the code of Red Sox Nation, you move and now live in the capital of New York.


  1. Living outside of Boston and moving to NY... are you saying your a sleeper agent Paul? Waiting for the right time to strike? Are NY air-ports going to start to train people to profile for Redsox fans after what you do to them???

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