Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Feel the Need... The Need For...

This past week I made a trip home to visit the family. My ride was quick and easy, much like Tiger's women.
It wasn't until my ride home that I noticed something odd about the entire trip. Believe what you will, driving on the highway is completely different depending on which state you're driving in.

While driving in Massachusetts the biggest difference I witnessed, is that drivers like to work together. This ranges from the little sports cars to the F150s. (This does not include 18 wheelers... They have a mind of their own.) When it comes to the other vehicles, they like to work together, especially on the Mass Pike. Everyone knows the unwritten rule of driving on I-90. Drive as fast as you want as long as you're going "with" traffic. I know that you know that we all know that a cop with a radar gun isn't and can't pull over everyone, especially when it involves about 13-14 cars going from 75-85 MPH. It's really an art more than just driving on a road. The school of cars each moving in and out of turns, racing down the thruway as one. It's like NASCAR for the highway. Cars even take turns leading the pack, as if passing on a relay baton. It truly is a great site.

Now it's a completely different story once you get into New Yuck. It's almost as if drivers are out to get you. A New York driver will cut you off, slow down in front of you, talk on their cell phone (which is illegal) and forget to use a blinker but then get pissed at you when you honk, all at the same time. There's no team work. Everyone is out for themselves. More tickets happen in New York because instead of 20 people going above the limit, you have 2... much easier to track them down.

Another thing about driving in Mass is that for the most part, there are a lot of exits right after one another. In one instance there's an exit that combines three exits. (Next Right Exits 20-21-22) How efficient is that... It's phenomenal. In New York, every exit is about 20 minutes apart from each other and in some instances, more like 30.

I guess you can't blame New York for the way their residents drive, it's just obvious that officials in Massachusetts understood their people a little more, and realized how much need for speed we mass holes truly have.


  1. Damn Massholes. New Hapmshire/ Vermont drivers are by far the best to drive with. Everyone is nice, curtious, and still drives fast as hell.

  2. You think NY is bad? Don't forget about your neighbors to the south in NJ. They're some of the worst drivers I've ever seen. The NJTP just south and west of NYC might as well be the last lap of the Daytona 500.
