Monday, February 15, 2010

For Love of the Game! (Not Costner's Movie)

Even though Pitchers and Catchers don't officially report to spring training for two more days... many players for the Red Sox are already warming up down south.

I've been following one of the Red Sox beat reporters twitter site for all my hourly updates. It seems that many of the big name stars are already in Florida getting ready for upcoming season.

(On a side note... Buchholz said he started eating 3 meals a day instead of two, which in turn has caused him to gain a little more weight this off season. Hopefully it will also add some speed to his fastball.)

While I didn't watch most of the World Series (for the obvious reasons) and practically the whole post season after the Angels beat my Red Sox, I've practically been waiting for Sox Baseball since early October. Granted I've had football, basketball, and hockey to keep me satisfied, but baseball has so many elements that these other sports don't have.

Baseball isn't for everyone. Anyone can pick up a basketball and shoot around or grab a football and play catch. Not everyone can play baseball. In fact after conducting a recent walk around survey, not many people can play, talk or dare I say it (Dare! Dare!) WATCH baseball.

I'm a person that's completed the trifector. I can do all of these things. I don't play very well and I'm not trying out for a minor league team anytime soon but I still love to play. I can watch and talk about the sport until I'm as blue as the balls during the winter months. (BASEballs that is)

I once ran a radio segment with my friend from college for 3 hours just about baseball. For anyone who has ever worked in radio, you know how difficult it is to talk for 3 hours, no breaks, no music.

Watching baseball is the best, and I know what you're thinking. "It's boring." Well yea you're right. It's slow developing and takes over 3 hours to complete one game. An average baseball game is just as long as James Cameron's rendition of the Titanic. It's like watching the Titanic 162 times out of year, and possibly another 18 times if you really like it. It actually sounds kind of nuts when you think about it. But every game is practically similar... for the most part 9 innings, always a winner/loser, and the game never changes. And to clarify, by NO MEANS AM I COMPLAINING.

I just love baseball, It's in my blood and on my skin, quite literally (ask me some time because I love to explain it)

Anyway, we're are just a few short days from the start of baseball season, and I couldn't be more excited for the year, except maybe for the first game in Fenway against the evil empire.

I'm just glad we're not in New York to witness them receive their rings unlike when they had to watch us get ours at the beginning of the 2005 season. Oh the memories! Good Times Good Times!

Here's to you Red Sox Nation!

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