Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weight-Loss by the Numbers

For the last 6 weeks, I have been participating in a weight loss competition at work.
Since I'm a number person, I felt it necessary to track my struggle to weight loss. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

Competition Duration: 6 weeks
Starting Weight 252

Packets of Tuna: 22
Cans of Soup: 25
Sobe Flavored Water: 34
Cases of Water: 2.5
Subway subs: 7

Fiber Bars Eaten: 62
Hours in Bathroom from Fiber Bars: 38

Fast Food Restaurants en route to work: 19
Number of times pulled into restaurant lots before turning back around: 3

Hours at the gym: 40
Hours after each session that I was still out of breath: 1.2

Cheat days: 0
End Weight: 235
lbs lost: 17

Location Chosen for Celebration: Dragon Buffet
Plates used during sitting: 4
Chickens sacrificed before hunger diminished: 3
Hours laying in bed feeling I was going to die from MSG poisoning: 7

6 weeks of dieting/exercise followed by MSG overload: painful


  1. hmm very interesting.... hmmm... Do you have a beard or is that just bad quality?

  2. Oh god... your bowls must hate you, overloading on fibber then Chinese.

  3. best blog yet! LOL-- that will teach u not to eat all that mess!
