Friday, February 5, 2010

Who Wants to be a GYM-onaire!!!

For the last 3 weeks... I've been working out at Gold Gym, 5 days a week. I've noticed that Tuesday through Thursday I usually go to the gym from 10:30 in the morning until just about noon. I've wondered however why I've chosen these times.

I thought it was because of when I woke up. I get to sleep in on those days so when I wake up I usually grab a protein bar and head to the gym. Only recently have I noticed the real reason why I show up at this time. It's because of whats on T.V.

From 10:30 to 12 is Cash Cab, Deal or No Deal, and followed up by Who wants to be a Millionaire. It's unbelievable to me that this is just coming to me. It's no surprise but it is funny.

When I was in college my senior year... I use to watch countless hours of the Game Show Network with my girlfriend and suite mate. I've always grown up loving and watching game shows... what person my age didn't grow up on Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and the Price is Right.

I love trivia even though I'm not that good at it and I love to exercise... never thought I'd finally put two and two together and Four-fit a boring workout routine.


  1. WE were deffinately addicted to game shows that year!

  2. Jeez I wonder who that suite mate was? LOL (found you....)

  3. Why go to the gym to watch TV when you can sit on a couch and watch TV?

  4. That is so funny! Sadly-- I do the same thing, but for a shorter time-- i just plan to watch friends and then I'm out!
