Monday, February 15, 2010

The Tiger Approach

With Tiger Woods in the news again, I thought this blog would be appropriate to post.

It's come to my attention that me and Tiger Woods are practically the same person. And no I don't mean I'm a world class golfer or a womanizer/mistressizer. It's easier to understand if I just explain.

Right now with my job, I work on a 4 day schedule from Friday to Monday.
When Tiger works (on the course) he has a 4 day work week as well, usually Thursday to Sunday.

I produce news stories when I'm at the station.
He produces Large Checks when he's on the course.

He wear's red on the final day of a tournament.
I wear red on the final day of my work week.

He has a his caddy to over look his work on the course.
I have a senior producer who over looks my work.

I sometime sleep on the couch.
As of last December, so does he.

I donated 10 Dollars to Haiti Relief.
Tiger donated 300,000 times more than that. (Still... we both donated)

We both have yet to play in a PGA Tournament so far this year.

We are both the same height and he's the weight I was back in 8th grade.

He obviously loves women.
I love a woman. :-)

So when you look at the facts, I guess you could say I got a little Tiger in me, which is something me and at least 10 other women have in common.

1 comment:

  1. that cracks me up-- you know what i would like to say-- but I'm a lady-- i won't put it down in writing!!hehe
